Microscope Accessories
Objective Lenses

Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal:
10X Plan-Neofluar N.A. 0.3
20X Plan-Apochromat N. A. 0.8
40X C-Apochromat N.A. 1.2 W
40X Plan-Neofluar N. A. 1.3 Oil
63X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 1.4 Oil
Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal:
10X C-Apochromat N.A. 0.45 W
25x LD-LCI-C-Apochromat N.A. 0.8
40X C-Apochromat N.A 1.2 FCS W
20X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 0.75
40X Plan-Neofluar N. A. 1.3 Oil
Zeiss LSM 510 Meta-5Live Duo Confocal:
10X C-Apochromat N.A. 0.45 W
20X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 0.8
40X LD-Apochromat N.A. 1.1 W
Zeiss LSM 780 Confocal:
On Microscope:
10X Plan-NeoFluar N.A. 0.3
20X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 0.75
40X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 1.4 Oil
40X C-Apochromat N.A. 1.2 W
In Cabinet:
20X EC-Epiplan-Apochromat N.A. 0.6 ∞/0
20X W-Plan Apochrmat N.A.1 Water dipping ∞/0
20X W-Plan-Apochromat N.A. 1 Water dipping ∞/.170
63X Plan-Apochromat N.A. 1.4 Oil
40X C-Apochromat N.A 1.2 FCS W
Air condenser with DIC 2 &3 N.A. 0.9
Water condenser with DIC 2 & 3 N.A. 1.2
Stage-Top Incubators
- INSTECT Heating and Cooling Chamber
- 710 Incubation System
- The Incubation System S for the Axio Observer (A1m/D1m/Z1m) is a complete, integrated system for incubation that covers every requirement in the cultivation and observation of living cells. The accessory cab be reserved for the 710 confocal and super resolution microscopes in room 117
- Stage Incubator Tempcontrol 37-2